Denmark Environment Centre Inc.
Phase 2 Seasons Events
Lake Williams
In February 2024 Prof Pierre Horwitz discussed the geomorphology of the landscape around Lights Beach.
Lowlands Beach
In February 2023 the Denmark Environment Centre Hosted its first phase two of the Lotteryswest Seasons Field trips. Professor Katy Evans discussed the geological changes that have occurred at the site over millions of years. Larry Blight makes some observations of the seasonal changes during Bunuru.
Millars Basin/Gnowerumbup
Dr Mark Allen, Mitchell Haywood + Prof Stephen Beatty from the Freshwater Fish Group & Fish Health Unit at Murdoch University discuss the freshwater fish species found on the Kent River,
Mount Lindesay/ Peepetup
Basil Schur speaks about the discovery of an endemic Eucalyptus species Eucaluptus Virginea at Mount Lindesay in the early 2000’s. Eliza discusses the impact of the First Nations lead camp Nowanup.
Parry's Beach/ Kordalup
Lester Coyne discusses his recent visit to the Scotland Museum to learn about artefacts which originate from the Menang people. The artefacts consisted of paintings and original labels on the fish including the Menang names of each species and, in some cases, the name of the Menang fishermen who caught them. Small sewn-up holes in the fishes confirm that they were caught using Menang fishing spears.
Katy Fanai from the little white what project will also speak about the scientific research and observations currently being undertaken on the whale populations visiting the South West of WA.
Weedon Hill/Warrumbup
Lynette is a Merningar Barduk Noongar Elder and Adjunct Research Associate at UWA Albany. In this podcast Lynette discusses the significance of Warrumbup (or Weedon Hill) and its Noongar history as the birthplace of rock formations in the local area. Ursula Rodrigues discusses the outcomes for people and Country in relation to contemporary Noongar fire stewardship.