Denmark Environment Centre Inc.
The Denmark Environment Centre has developed a range of quality educational resources which you can use to educate yourself on the local environment.
Six Seasons Short Films
In 2021-2022 The Denmark Environment Centre hosted a field trip for each of the six Aboriginal seasons to locations around Denmark Western Australia. These six short films document the environmental and cultural significance of various locations in our region with Noongar speakers, scientists, and other local experts, who have studied the lore of the land from a range of perspectives.
Makuru is the wettest seasons in the calendar. In this film Menang elder Carol Pettersen discusses the importance of waterways to First Nations People. The gnamma holes at the Styx River site are some of the last remaining Aboriginal cultural heritage which demonstrate the way in which water was traditionally conserved for the drier seasons. Myles Mitchell a local Anthropologist discusses the way gnamma holes were created and used at the Styx River site.
Djilba is a transitional season when the weather is predominantly crisp and cold with a few days of sunshine! The warmer weather spurs native flora to flower. Lynette Knapp – Merningar yorga (Menang Elder) discusses the traditional Aboriginal plant uses. First Nations people use native plant species as sources of food, medicine and to create functional items. Mark Parre the local Denmark Shire Revegetation Officer discusses the unique flora that can be found at Mount Lindesay.
Kambarang is a warmer and drier season, coaxing reptiles out of hibernation! The warmer weather spurs on a second spring, resulting in bushfoods starting to fruit and ripen. Larry Blight a traditional Menang custodian speaks about Lizard traps on Mount Hallowell or Kooryunderup, which is an example of First Nations Peoples traditional hunting techniques. Professor Stephen Hopper discusses the unique flora found on the granite outcrops at the site.
Styx River
Mount Lindesay/ /Peetupup
Mount Hallowell/ Kooryunderup
Wilson Inlet/ Marjet
Morley Beach
Mount Leahy
Birak is a hotter and drier season, with distinct South Westerly winds kicking in during the season. Larry Blight a Menang custodian discusses the natural resources that can be sourced from around the inlet. Ochre is sourced from a site near the inlet. In the film Larry discusses the ceremonial uses of this ancient rock. Anna Ramrath discusses the geological history of the site. Myles Mitchell also visits traditional fish traps which are ancient stone arrangements which help to illustrate the traditional fishing techniques used in the inlet.
Bunuru is the hottest season, with distinct easterly winds kicking in during the season. Averil and Lindsay Dean discuss the traditional food sources found on the inlet for traditional Noongar people living in the area. Morley Beach is a significant bird feeding ground for migratory shorebirds during this season. In the film Jeremy Ringma from Birdlife Australia discusses the importance of the location to the East Asian Australasian Flyway.
Djeran is a distinctly cooler and damper season, early morning dew signalling this seasonal change. Lighter winds and cooler conditions also make the season favourable for cultural burns to take place. Lynette Knapp, Merningar yorga (Menang Elder) speaks about the environmental and cultural benefits of cultural burns. At Mount Leahy Dr David Edmonds a conservation veterinarian also discusses the impact of different scales of fire on fragile ecosystems like peat swamps.